Mechanisms of sociocultural development of the indigenous population of Russian Far East

  • O. N. Danilova

    O. N. Danilova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • K. A. Kariem

    Kamal Abdul Kariem. Princeton University. Princeton. USA


The sociocultural development and adaptations of Indigenous peoples to the changing world play a significant role in constructive dialogue and intercultural actions throughout the world. Indigenous peoples also significantly influence sociocultural development of region in combination
with factors, such as glocalization and the current isolation caused by closed borders as a measure against the COVID-19 pandemic. The object of this comparative analysis are the mechanisms of sociocultural development of Indigenous peoples of the Russian Far East as a
structural part of the contemporary world. Research strategies are formed with attention to the specifities of the Russian Far East region, including processes of colonization and settlement of different states, the selective porosity of border zones, and the complex trajectories of transformations in the traditional values of various ethno-territorial groups in the process of their intercultural contact. The task of studying and classifying mechanisms of sociocultural development of the region were solved through the prism of adaptation processes as the foundational
reaction of Indigenous peoples in situations of historically diverse cultural contact. As a result of the study established, that partial changes in traditional models occur, while fundamentally new sociocultural models are being formed, which contribute to the development of the region and its integration in the world.
Keywords: mechanisms of development, indigenous population, frontier, the Russian Far
East, transformation, nature management, creative activity.